Mount Pleasant Police
Online Complaint Form
Non-Emergency Calls Only
Please Include the following information:
- Full name of person filing complaint
- Phone number of person filing complaint (home and cell)
- Mailing address of person filing complaint
- Complaint Details (include complaint, date/time issue occurred, address where issue occurred etc.)
Westchester County, New York
Report a street light out, a damaged sign, or a sight distance issue below. For a street light, include the exact address and pole number. For sight distance concerns or sign damage, list the exact intersection.
Mount Pleasant Police Department
To obtain a copy of your accident report online, click the link below. You will need to enter the last name of the driver, the date of the traffic accident, and the blotter report number provided by the patrol officer. The report number must be in the correct format: BL-xxxxx-24.
Mount Pleasant Police
Records Request Application
Letter of Good Conduct - Security Clearance Request - Freedom of Information
Click on the link below and print the Records Request Application. Valid proof of identification with
a photo must be attached. The application form can be delivered in person, emailed, or sent by mail.
Call the Records Office 914-742-2373 if you have any questions.
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